Knitting Accessories
What’s a hobby without the opportunity to accessorize? As you work your way through the jungle of knitting accessories, the first investment you’ll want to make is in a suitable knitting tote. While craft stores and websites sell bags made specifically for knitting, these are often anything but attractive. You want to be able to take your hobby out into public, show it off, live it up, don’t you? Check the sketching/drawing/painting section of the craft store instead, as these bags are typically both aesthetically appealing and utilitarian. They feature loops (intended for brushes but often perfect for needles), pockets, and compartments galore to stow all of your paraphernalia in style. And if you don’t find something you like there, shop in regular department stores for standard tote bags!
Your second necessity is a tape measure. No, not the huge home improvement metal deal in the garage, a seamstress tape measure. These are about $1 and can be found in any fabric or craft store. You’ll be lost without one.
Next, find stitch holders. You’ll need these to grab onto stitches you’ll use later in the project, but they’re also useful to help count stitches. Safety pins, paperclips, diaper pins, and other little doodads around the house can fill this role easily – you’ll figure out what works best for you after a few projects. If you’re working on a pattern with several different colors, bobbins can make the yarn transitions a little bit easier. Think about it. Would you rather have five or six full-size skeins of yarn rolling around on your floor at any given moment or five or six little bobbins sitting on the table next to you? These aren’t a necessity, though, just a convenience.
As we go further into more specific stitches and types of knitting, you’ll encounter a few more fun accessories and tools to make your work quicker and easier. We don’t want you going into information overload right away!
Okay, you have all of the equipment you need and then some. In the next section we’ll run through some knitting basics, tips, and tricks, then get into the meaty stuff. Are you ready? Let’s get a little enthusiasm going – you’re getting ready to knit! Now… are you ready? That’s more like it. Let’s go! Keep your eyes out for next weeks tip.
Sarah Beth Wilkinson