The Knitting Net
If you love knitting, you will be pleased to know that the internet has created a whole new way for you to share your work with others, and to share in other's work! Most of you, I'm sure, at this point know that a blog is a form of online journal (a web log, technically speaking), something like an online, public diary where you can post your thoughts, comments, and pictures.
If you want to see what some other people are doing, check out the knitting blogs below:
Knitting Iris:
Sandy's Knitting:
The Knitting Curmudgeon:
They are all great examples of how knitters are sharing their craft, ideas, and lives with others, and they can be a really inspiring way of getting ideas for your next project! If you want to find a ton of other knitting blogs, simply go to google and type in "blog: knitting". You'll find a ton!
Then, if you are feeling inspired and want to start your own, why not go on over to where you can start a blog absolutely free!
Or, if you aren't quite ready to have your own blog, you can still participate in the online knitting community by posting to forums (one of my favorite is, of course, my own, at There, if you only have one thought, or question, and don't want to be bothered with updating content, you can post it and get replies and comments from other knitters. It is a simple and easy way to get involved in what is truly a huge and interesting community!